Frequently Asked Questions

The answers to the crucial questions about Lindau Mentoring Hub.

General Information

What is the Lindau Mentoring Hub?

This is a new, global, open-source mentoring platform for the community of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. The goal of the new Lindau Mentoring Hub is to make sure that Lindau Alumni, young scientists and young economists have access to support and guidance – or have the opportunity to give back.

The platform is a collaboration between the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings and Team Mentoring Hub – an international group of Lindau Alumni and young economists who initiated the project during the Lindau Online Sciathon 2020.

The development of the Lindau Mentoring Hub is supported by the Dieter Schwarz Foundation.

I Have Never Attended a Lindau Meeting, Can I Still Sign Up?

Currently, the mentoring platform is available only for those who have participated in a Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. In the future, we hope to be able to serve a wider community through the Mentoring Hub initiative – one of the reasons why the platform is ready for an open source release.

Can I Sign up as Both a Mentee and Mentor?

Yes, you can sign up as a mentee or a mentor. You can also start out as a mentee and later upgrade to a mentor, or act as a mentor and as a mentee at the same time. We hope that former and future participants of the Lindau Meetings in all career stages can find value in the mentoring platform.

Is Being a Past Participant of Lindau Meeting the Only Condition to Join?

Yes, currently the only condition to become a mentee user of the Lindau Mentoring Hub is to be a former participant of the Lindau Meetings.
Mentors are asked to submit a short motivation statement and will then be confirmed by the Mentoring Hub team.

Will There Be a Subscription Fee?

No, there is no subscription or other fee to participate in this mentoring program.

Will Information Shared on This Platform Be Kept Confidential?

All data you submit through the platform is covered by our Terms and Conditions and our privacy policy. Technological and process measures are in place to ensure the safety of your data.

Published resources and comments as well as the information shared on a profile is accessible to all users of the Mentoring Hub. Users are asked to keep information shared with other users in conversations confidential unless otherwise agreed upon.

Please see our code of conduct for more information.

How Many Mentors/Mentees Can an Individual Have?

There is no formal or technological limit regarding the number of mentors/mentees.

Who Should I Contact if I Have Questions or Concerns About My Experience on the Platform?

Members of the Mentoring Hub can log in to use the feedback form to e.g. make feature requests, notify us of bugs or to receive help. Members can also use a dedicated form to notify us of problematic or abusive behaviour.

Interested users who are not registered for the Lindau Mentoring Hub (yet) or members who have trouble accessing the platform can contact the administrators at

Will the Content Uploaded to the Resource Library Be Publicly Available?

The resource library lets members share videos of advice or other tips that are useful to the whole community. Highlights from the growing resource library may be made available to the public in the future.

By agreeing to upload the content to the resources library, members agree that it might be shared outside the platform to other audiences.

FAQ for Mentees

Can I Sign up to Be a Mentor and Also Participate as a Mentee?

Yes, you can be a mentee and also apply to serve as a mentor. You can also start out as a mentee and then become a mentor at a later point.

How Should I Proceed if I Encounter a Problem With My Mentor?

If there is a harassment situation or similar abusive behaviour, please report it immediately to the team using the feedback form (Flag of Abuse). If the mentoring relationship is just not working as expected, please see the next answer.

What if the Mentor Isn’t the Right “Fit” for Me?

A mentor-mentee relationship is built on trust and a certain degree of interpersonal chemistry. Occasionally, mentors and mentees might not be a good “fit” for each other based to several valid reasons, e.g. a mentor may not have the right experience for your specific needs, or you may not get along as well as you hoped in advanceIn such cases, please honestly communicate this with your mentor, thank them for their time and please feel free to reach out to other potential mentors.

I Have Not Heard From My Mentor. How Do I Proceed?

If you don’t hear from your the mentor within one or two weeks, feel free to contact them once more – but please keep in mind that mentors are often busy and there it may simply take them some time to respond to your request. If there is no response please reach out to other suitable mentors in the Lindau Mentoring Hub.

Can I Have More Than One Mentor?

While there is no limit to the number of mentoring relationships you can establish, we recommend that you be judicious in selecting only mentors who are most suited to your mentoring needs. Please keep in mind that mentors have limited time to offer and may have other mentoring relationships.

FAQ for Mentors

What Benefits Do I Receive if I Participate as a Mentor?

All mentors are volunteers who will hopefully benefit from their new relationship. The Lindau Mentoring Hub is a great way to give back to the community and to expand the Lindau Spirit beyond the weeklong meeting.

The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings will also offer other benefits to active members of the Mentoring Hub including invitations to dedicated events and more. Details are forthcoming.

As a Mentor, How Long Will I Be Required to Maintain the Mentor-Mentee Relationship?

There are no fixed rules, you have the flexibility to decide and communicate this to the mentee.

Do I Have to Be an Expert in Order to Sign up as a Mentor?

You should be able to offer advice in a responsible manner related to your educational, professional or personal experience. We ask you to be open about your level of expertise.

How Much Time Will I Need to Invest as a Mentor?

That is difficult to answer. We’d advise to discuss your mutual expectations about time and communication at the start of your relationship. We recommend that you agree with your mentee on a schedule that works for both of you and be transparent about your availability as appropriate. Mentoring doesn’t necessarily need require large amounts of your time – sometimes even brief calls or messages can make a big difference.

How Will I Know if a Mentee Has Selected Me as Their Mentor?

You will receive a chat message and an e-mail from the system with a potential mentee’s request and initial message. You will be prompted to log in to the platform to view the member’s profile and accept or reject the request. If you accept, you will be able to chat with the member and to schedule a (video) call with them. If you reject, you will have the option to suggest another member of the Mentoring Hub as mentor, if applicable.

Is It Okay to Reject a Mentoring Request?

Yes, the choice is yours. If you want to decline a request, check the “decline” button on the potential mentee’s profile.

However, we encourage you to have an initial conversation to e.g. talk about the issue at hand or to clarify some information in your profiles or the initial message. Sometimes, you may find a potential mentee to be a good match after this initial contact – or may find them an inappropriate match after all.

How Should I Proceed if I Encounter a Problem With My Mentee?

If there is a harassment situation or similar abusive behaviour, please report it immediately to the team using the feedback form (Flag of Abuse). If the mentoring relationship is just not working as expected, please see the answer below.

I Have Not Heard From My Mentee. How Do I Proceed?

If you have concerns about the lack of response, please contact the team using the feedback form. If the mentee opts to end the mentoring interaction, please respect their decision.

What Should I Do if My Mentoring Relationship Is Not Working?

Occasionally, mentors and mentees might not “fit” due to several reasons. In such cases, please communicate this with your mentee openly and kindly.

Does the Platform Support Group Mentoring?

Currently, we’re not including group mentoring in the Lindau Mentoring Hub. Let us know if you’d like to see this as a feature in the future!

Can I Suspend My Account Temporarily, Without Deleting It, if I Need a Break?

Yes, of course. Go to your profile settings and unselect the option “Allow users to search for me” in the visibility section. This way your mentoring profile will no longer be included in the user search, indicating that you are not accepting any requests at the moment. It is your responsibility to communicate your availability to your existing mentees.